Would you like to be the next President of RSUA?
In 2021 the RSUA will decide who its next President will be. The next President will serve a two-year term from May 2022 until May 2024. From May 2021 until May 2022, she or he will hold the position of President-Elect.
Members are invited to put their name forward to be the next President of RSUA.
Who can stand to become the next RSUA President?
Any RSUA chartered member.
How do I get nominated to stand for election to become the next President?
There are two nomination routes:
- Secure the support of 15 chartered members and complete this nomination form by 19 March 2021.
- Get nominated by RSUA Council by getting more votes than any other chartered member in a ballot of Council members at the Council meeting on 15 March 2021.
When does the process start?
All nominations will be received by 19 March 2021 and if there is more than one nomination there will be an election. If there is an election, the list of candidates will be issued to members no later than 2 April 2021.
The result will be announced at the AGM on 28 May 2021.
What is the President’s role?
The President’s role is multi-faceted but includes the following:
- Providing strategic leadership and oversight in conjunction with the RSUA Council and the RSUA Director.
- Chairing RSUA’s decision making body, the RSUA Council (a call for nominations to Council will be issued later in the year).
- Representing RSUA publicly, on RIBA Council and on the NI Construction Group.
The position is an unpaid role but expenses are covered. If you have any questions, please contact ciaran@rsua.org.uk