What is the Bolder Vision for Belfast and is it bold enough?
An upcoming online meeting will detail Belfast City Council’s ‘Bolder Vision for Belfast’ to transform the centre of the city – and you’re invited.
Join us at 10am on Tuesday 14 December 2021. Belfast City Council will be represented at the event by Martin O’Neill, Regeneration Project Officer.
Bolder Vision for Belfast is a blueprint to explore a shared approach to creating a more attractive, accessible, safe and vibrant city developed jointly by the Council and the Departments for Communities and Infrastructure.
RSUA will be responding to the consultation, and the Bolder Vision document can be found here.
You can join the briefing by registering your interest with the RSUA’s Policy and Public Affairs Officer, Emmet Doyle, by emailing emmet@rsua.org.uk. If you are unable to attend this event, you can still submit your comments about the vision to help shape RSUA’s response.