RSUA Practice Services Scheme update


RSUA is always looking at new ways to add value into the RSUA Practice Services Scheme and we are pleased to announce, firstly, a bonus direct benefit to subscribers and secondly, to seek wider views from the membership on a proposal we are evaluating.

JP Corry Bonus

JP Corry have been a long term supporter of the RSUA Practice Services Scheme and this year they are going one step further by offering all subscribers a £50 voucher to be spent at any JP Corry branch over the next 6 months. There is one voucher per practice.

British Standards and other technical information

A few members have mentioned that they either struggle to get access to British Standards and other technical information or pay quite a lot of money for access. We are exploring if RSUA could get online access for our Practice Services Scheme subscribers on the basis of single user access at any one time. As RSUA would incur a considerable cost to obtain this service we want to know the level of interest amongst practices before proceeding. If this is a service your practice would use and consider a valuable addition to the PSS benefits, please e-mail

Other opportunities?

Whilst we are asking questions along this line, if you have any other ideas for services that you would like to see pooled via the RSUA Practices Services Scheme please email