RSUA first quarter programme of CPD events live


RSUA has launched 2021’s first quarter programme of Continuous Professional Development events and bookings for the below events are live. RSUA is also recording CPD events and making them available on-demand for up to six months after the live event.


21/01/21 – Fire Safety and Architecture – Direction of Change and Common Issues

29/01/21 – Carbon Neutral Design Strategies – lessons learned from Norway


09/02/21 – Planning: Getting off the Transport Roundabout

11/02/21 & 16/02/21 – Avoiding payment pitfalls with JCT & NEC Contracts and your legal options

23/02/21 – Construction Professionals Health & Safety Card Course

25/02/21 – Project Management: tips to keep projects on track (save the date)


04/03/21 – Changing Places: key design considerations

10/03/21 – Introductory Conservation Course ( for pre-registration)

11/03/21 – Planning for Approval – what you need to know

23/03/21 – Retrofitting public housing – lessons from Loanda Crescent, Newry

25/03/21 – Your one-on-one practice focused social media masterclass

If you have any suggestions for potential events for the second quarter’s programme please contact