RSUA Early Career Architects Forum restarts
We’re pleased to announce that the RSUA Early Career Architects Forum (ECAF) has successfully restarted with a kick off session today hosted by James Grieve, chair of the ECAF.
Ten RSUA members who agreed to form the core membership of the ECAF committee met via Microsoft Teams to discuss the ECAF mission statement and objectives of the group (as set out below), as well as the structure of the committee and the potential roadmap for the next 12 months.
Discussion points included looking into specific CPD for young architects, linking up with YADA in London, making the most of social media and WhatsApp for informal engagement, and coming up with ideas for an Early Career Design Competition.
The group will meet again on Friday 9 July 2021 to discuss outputs and a timeline for delivery.
What is the purpose of the Early Career Architects’ Forum?
To support qualified architects in their first ten years of practice*
(* We are defining the first ten years of practice as the first ten years of active work as an architect. Periods where an architect is not actively working as an architect are not considered part of the first ten years.)
How will this purpose be achieved?
- Facilitate a well-connected network of recently qualified architects.
- Demonstrate the contribution made by early career architects and the diversity of roles undertaken.
- Organise targeted events to support learning for early career architects.
- Identify and develop opportunities for creative outputs for early career architects, including architectural competitions.
- Provide platform for early career architects to informally learn from each other and from more experienced architects.
- Connect early career architects in Northern Ireland with early career architects in other regions and countries.
- Connect early career architects with other relevant early career groups in NI like RICS, Young Planners, NI Construction Group Future Leaders and ACE Progress Network.
- Consider how skills and experience gained can be assessed and recognised.
- Contribute to the development of Architecture Night and other RSUA initiatives.
Public benefit
Support and learning opportunities for early career architects will enhance the quality of the output from practices leading to better standards of architecture for the public. Providing a platform for fresh ideas, creative thinking and collaboration will help the profession better respond to the major challenges facing our built environment for the benefit of all.
Meeting frequency/pre-arranged dates
The Early Career Architects Forum will have three standing meetings per year which will be held either in person or online. In person meetings will be held primarily at RSUA, 2 Mount Charles Belfast, BT7 1NZ. Other meetings will be scheduled as required between the standing meetings and action groups will be formed to take forward specific actions.
If you would like to attend the restart meeting at 12.30pm on Friday 18 June 2021 or if you would simply like to register your interest in being involved with the Early Career Architects’ Forum at some point, please contact Jude Faloon on