RSUA Conservation Committee update
11 September 2024
The RSUA Conservation Committee met in person today.
The RSUA’s position on retrofit was discussed at the meeting. It was agreed that the Conservation Committee will work closely with the Climate Emergency Committee to review retrofit guidance but that the Climate Emergency Committee would lead on this.
At the last meeting it was agreed that RSUA’s position on demolition of non-designated heritage assets would be drafted. The Committee discussed this piece of work and agreed that once finalised, a draft letter will be shared with all committee members before being issued to all local Councils.
Also on the table for discussion was the potential to develop a funding model for traditional farm buildings. RSUA Director Ciarán Fox will draft a one-page document outlining the rationale based on the GLAS scheme as an example for a funding model in Northern Ireland and share this with the committee.
If approved, Ciarán will raise the issue with the DAERA minister at the upcoming meeting in the Autumn. The Committee suggested other issues to be raised with the DAERA minister.
Ciarán also presented the connection between RSUA and RIAI Conservation courses, following a meeting with RIAI. RIAI will consider the possibility of RSUA members completing the RIAI end of course assessment if they want accreditation, following completion of the RSUA Conservation Course. Ciarán will provide a further update on this at the next meeting.
The next meeting will take place in-person on 27 November 2024.