Public appointments are being made to Labour Relations Agency
The Department for Economy will be advertising an open competition to recruit a chair and 4 new members to the Board of the Labour Relations Agency on 29th & 30th October 2020. Two members will have an employee representative background, one will have an employer representative background and one will have an independent background. The process involves an application form and interview process.
The appointments will begin in 1 April 2021 for a three year term. The Chair and Board Members remuneration is currently £25,234 and £5,424 per annum respectively. The Chair will be expected to be available two days per week and Board Members for at least one day per month. Meetings will mainly be held in the Greater Belfast area.
People with a disability, ethnic minority communities and young people are currently under-represented on the Board and applications from members of these groups would be particularly welcome.
An application pack with full details and guidance may be obtained from 29th October 2020 from and applications close at noon on Thursday 19 November 2020