Professional Insights Programme Celebration

The RSUA Professional Insights Programme is a mandatory programme for second year Architecture students from both Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and Ulster University (UU).

The purpose of the programme is to pair a student from QUB with a student from UU and match them with one of the participating architects who has signed up to take part in the programme.

The architects are given a list of seven insights and are required to cover at least three of the insights with their students. The list of seven insights includes:

  1. On-site activity
  2. Interaction between client/user and architect
  3. Working with other professions
  4. Planning and/or building regulations
  5. Resourcing and business administration
  6. Winning work and/or procurement
  7. The process of material selection

The 2022/23 programme launched back in November 2022 and has now come to an end. To mark the end of the programme, a closing event for all students and participating architects took place on Monday 24 April 2023 in The Gallery at Ulster University. At the closing event, Jennifer Harper from Whittaker and Watt alongside her students Philip Mawhinney, QUB and Eva McCool, UU provided a run down on how they spent their minimum six hours activity time. The students highlighted how they particularly liked the greater insight into BIM that the programme enabled them to see.

At the closing event, students and architects were presented with their certificate of completion. The programme will return next year and a call out will be issued to the wider membership in early September for anyone interested in signing up.

The RSUA would like to extend their thanks to all the architects who volunteered to help with the 2022/23 programme.

RociAllanAllan Curran Architects
JonathanMaguireAula Architects
MurrayBellBell Architects
RogerPerrottC60 Architects
ChrisCampbellCampbell Architects
ConorMcKennaConor McKenna Architects
James GrieveConsarc Design
JonnyBairdConstruction Procurement Delivery
MatthewBishopConstruction Procurement Delivery
DavidDohertyConstruction Procurement Delivery
SamNicholsonDA Architects
DavidMillsDavid Mills Architects
GraemeSkellyDoherty Architects
GlendaHallEducation Authority NI
SimonHollandEducation Authority NI
BrianQuinnEducation Authority NI
EoighinFarrenFarren Architects
SeanFureyGravity Architects
PaulMillarHamilton Architects
DamienMcLaughlinHERE Architects
SarahBradyHLM Architects
FelixGibsonHLM Architects
Emma-LouiseHanniganHLM Architects
KevinO’NeillHLM Architects
KeithMooneyInsideOut Architects
JennyHarperIsherwood + Ellis
AlastairKeysKeys and Monaghan
TaraLambLAM Architects
RoisinMcCannMarshall McCann Architects
KieranMcCambridgeMcClean Forte Architects
CahalDonaghyMcGirr Architects
Edelle HenryMcGurk ArchitectsMcGurk Architects
MichaelHerronMichael Herron Architects
CathalMaguireMilligan Reside Larkin Architects
AoifeMcGeeMMAS Architects
GraemeMontgomeryMontgomery Irwin Architecture & Design
AdamMcAteerMW / Architects LLP
AlanRossNational Trust NI
NigelJonesNigel Jones Architects
RoslynBrownOstick and Williams
PaulMcAlisterPaul McAlister Architects
DominicCarsonPHP Architects
James HirstleReddy Architecture
GavinSloanRMI Architects
MarkReidSamuel Stevenson & Sons
ShaneBirneyShane Birney Architects
MeganMcKeeverShane Birney Architects
DawsonStelfoxStelfox Conservation Consultants Ltd/Consarc Design Group
RonanParkStudio Park Architects
MichaelRogersStudio Rogers
PaulCroweTodd Architects
UelWeirWeir + Weir Architects + Designers
NiallMagennisWhite Ink Architects
EveTurkingtonWhite Ink Architects
NaomiSmythWhite Ink Architects
HanaStolcovaWhittaker and Watt