Northern Ireland Construction Group meets DoF permanent secretary


RSUA as part of the Northern Ireland Construction Group (NICG) delegation, met with the permanent secretary for the Department of Finance to follow up from a meeting in June 2020 with the Finance Minister.  

NICG had produced an Actions for Recovery paper on 26 June to follow up on actions taken and future plans.  NICG expressed its frustration at the lack of action on the points raised in the paper over the last three months.  Construction and Procurement Delivery (CPD) from the Department of Finance have committed to producing a paper on the way forward by 25th September.  

The discussion focussed on:

  • the need for urgent clarity on capital funding remaining to be spent this year and how each department intends to achieve full expenditure.  
  • the move to full design of building projects for the next twelve months
  • the benefits of procuring projects based on full design for a period of twelve months

RSUA members will be kept up to date on progress.