My Architecture and RSUA General Meeting


Members are invited to attend the RSUA General Meeting from 12:30pm on Friday 12 February 2021 and hear the next in the series of ‘My Architecture’ talks. Previous talks have been given by Ciaran Mackel and McGarry-Moon.

The ‘My Architecture’ series aims to allow local architects to share their thoughts and experiences with the RSUA membership. Rather than a skip over the top of many projects, the aim is to provide a space for zooming-in on something more specific, perhaps a building that you have been integrally involved in creating, one that you are currently working on or one long completed, or an idea or a personal reflection.

General Meetings are an opportunity for members to find out more about the organisation’s activities, to ask questions, raise issues, propose initiatives and to meet (remotely) other RSUA members.

If you are planning to attend this meeting and you have not yet confirmed, please do so by emailing Jude Faloon on