John Lavery welcomed as new RSUA President
3 June 2024
John Lavery was welcomed as the 57th president of the RSUA at the Annual General Meeting on Friday 28 May 2024.
The AGM was held in Northern Ireland’s building of the year, the Ulster University Belfast Campus, and the 25 RSUA members who were in attendance got the opportunity to take a tour of the Liam McCormick Prize winning project. They were guided around the campus by Naomi Sheehan and Paul Warwick from Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, who completed the project alongside McAdam Design, Scott Tallon Walker and White Ink Architects.
Following the tour, current RSUA president Paul McAlister handed over the reins to President-elect John Lavery, who will take over the presidency until 2026.
Council election outcome
The AGM also covered the outcome of council elections. RSUA extends thanks to the following chartered members who stood down from RSUA Council in 2024:
- Trevor Leaker
- Cathal Fearon
- Alana Durrent (one year co-opted member)
- Stephen Salley (one year co-opted member)
The following members also stood down:
- Caitlin O’Kane (UU student rep)
- Rachel Murphy (QUB Student rep)
There were eight seats available on RSUA Council in 2024 for chartered members. Eight nominations were received, therefore there was no election. The following six chartered members were re-elected:
- Karen Crilly
- James Grieve
- Martin Hare
- Alan Jones
- Donal MacRandal
- Catherine Mallon
Two chartered members were elected to RSUA Council for the first time:
- Jenny Harper
- Alex Knowles
Other positions on RSUA Council were confirmed as:
- Associate Member Representative: Daithí MacLáimhin
- University Representatives: Rory Caithness will remain as the Ulster University Representative for one year and Alan Jones will continue to be the Queen’s University Representative for one year.
- Student Representatives: The QUB & UU Student Representatives will be confirmed in due course.
- RIAI Observer: Anna Meehan will be the new RIAI Observer for one year.
- Further co-options will be discussed at the first Council meeting in June 2024.