Giving new architects the best start


Following a proposal from the RSUA Early Career Architects’ Forum, RSUA Council has now agreed that RSUA members who are employers should actively be encouraged to support the development of new architects by covering the cost of the RSUA/RIBA annual subscription fee for the first 5 years, as a minimum.

The joint RSUA/RIBA subscription fee is set at a lower level for architects in their first 5 years. The cost for 2024 is £266.

By supporting new architects into RSUA, employers will be providing opportunities for learning and development, peer support and building connections across the wider construction sector. This work is led by the Early Career Architects’ Forum. You can find out more here.

If you are an employer of a newly qualified architect, now or in the future, RSUA urges you to give that architect the best start to their career by covering the cost of their joint subscription to RSUA/RIBA.