
Climate Emergency Committee

Headline Purpose

Chaired by Ben James, the purpose of this committee is to help radically reduce our built environment’s contribution to climate change and to help prepare for the impacts of climate change on Northern Ireland.

How this purpose will be achieved

  • Propose two lists of actions that should be taken in relation to our built environment: (i) Actions to make climate change less severe, and; (ii) Actions to prepare for the impacts of climate change on Northern Ireland
  • Develop more detailed RSUA position papers on addressing climate change through the design of Northern Ireland’s built environment
  • Engage with devolved and local government including DAERA (Climate Change), Department of Finance (building regulations and procurement), Department for Infrastructure (planning and transport), Department for Communities (housing policy and urban regeneration) and the 11 local councils.
  • Prepare RSUA’s response to relevant consultations
  • Provide a collective expert view on climate matters relating to the built environment when called upon
  • Engage and co-ordinate with other bodies in Northern Ireland and beyond who seek to address climate change including Climate NI, PCAN, Irish Green Building Council, Universities etc.
  • Propose opportunities for learning, particularly for architects and university students, in relation to climate change. For example, topics and expert speakers for training events, resources for architects and building tours.

Public benefit

The public will benefit by having a built environment which is better prepared for the impacts of climate change and the public will be better informed about what changes we need to make to our built environment to radically reduce our contribution to climate change.

Meeting frequency/pre-arranged dates

This committee will meet quarterly, from 12.30pm until 2pm on the following dates:

  • 12.30pm on Wednesday 12 March 2025
  • 12.30pm on Wednesday 7 May 2025
  • 12.30pm on Wednesday 20 August 2025
  • 12.30pm on Wednesday 5 November 2025

Other meetings will be scheduled as required between the standing meetings and working groups will be formed to take forward specific actions.

Membership and contact details

Climate Emergency Committee Chair, Ben James

NameOrganisationEmail Address
Ben AstonHamilton
Maeve GormanAlastair Coey
Ben JamesUlster
Donal MacRandalConstruction Procurement Delivery (CPD)
Martin Marshall*Marshall McCann
Paul McAlisterPaul McAlister
Jane McCullough*Climate NI 
Dominic MorrisMcNally
Lisa ParkStudio Park
Alan RitchieC60
Jane RogersQueen’s University

*not a qualified architect, but is an architectural professional


RSUA members interested in joining this committee should contact Jude Faloon by emailing

Find out more

Read some of the most up to date and relevant RSUA news articles relating to the Climate Emergency Committee by click here.

Useful Resources


If you or your organisation wishes to engage with the RSUA Climate Emergency Committee, please contact Jude Faloon on