The Perfectly Proportioned Winners
The four strong team of Acropolis Now stormed through to victory in the inaugural Perfectly Proportioned Quiz of Architecture and Other Things held on Thursday 3 March 2016. The social event, organised by the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA) in partnership with Architecture at Queen’s University Belfast, was a great success as a packed Black Box enjoyed the entertaining and challenging questions laid on by quiz-master Alan Jones.
Speaking at the event Martin Hare, RSUA President said, “It is wonderful to see so many students and recently qualified architects here tonight along with academics and those of us who have been architects for more years than we might think. Thanks to Alan who has clearly put a lot of work into this. It really paid off. What a fantastic night out and I’m delighted that the event has raised £300 to support the work of the Simon Community in tackling homelessness.”
Ciarán Fox, RSUA Director said, “After the success of this quiz we are already turning our minds to next year and making this an annual event not to be missed. We want to get an even bigger turnout, raise more money for charity, get more companies sponsoring prizes and we’re open to suggestions on interesting or unusual venues. It’s all aimed at creating a really enjoyable event to bring together a broad range of people who love architecture.”
“Alan Jones on behalf of Architecture at Queen’s has set the bar very high. I’m looking forward to working in partnership with the Ulster University in 2017 to take this event to the next level”.
The quiz provided a really varied test of both general and architectural knowledge. Most teams did well identifying places around the world from the aerial photos but the architecturally themed film round sorted the wheat from the chaff. However it was some of the general knowledge questions that turned out to be the trickiest – what does JPEG stand for? No-one got it – Joint Photographic Experts Group.
For the donation of prizes, RSUA extends its thanks to: McAdam Design for the many drinks awarded as spot prizes; Lagan Building Products for a beautifully handcrafted welsh slate tableware set design by Michelin starred chef Michael Caines; Hays Specialist Recruitment for eight carefully selected bottles of wine, and; Professor James Stevens Curl for a signed copy of his Oxford Dictionary of Architecture.
If any organisation wishes to support the quiz in 2017 please contact Ciarán Fox at
Photo: Winners of the Perfectly Proportioned Quiz of Architecture and Other Things, Acropolis Now, made up of Jane Larmour, Pat Wheeler, Deirdre Greaney and Saul Golden.