Social value in procurement debated at RSUA


The procurement committee of the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA) has been recording member queries regarding the emphasis on social value within public procurement in Northern Ireland.

Committee members expressed concern regarding the uncertainty around how social value will be measured at the pre-qualification tender stage. RSUA will be taking steps to seek clarity on the recent changes in collaboration with the Strategic Investment Board with a view to holding a joint information session in the near future.

Also at the meeting it was confirmed that RIBA, in collaboration with RSUA, has been successful in a joint-bid to administer the design competition for the new Belfast Stories project.

The committee also sought the views on recent procurements from major public clients to assess pro’s and con’s and suggest future improvements.

The RSUA procurement committee is in the process of producing a paper on assessing quality in public procurement. The committee hopes to have this to the wider membership for review within the near future.