Snohetta Lecture Inspires

The Inaugural RSUA ARUP Building Inspiration Lecture achieved it key purpose as the 250 strong crowd left the lecture uplifted and energised.

With this being the first public lecture organised by RSUA in quite a few years there was a buzz of expectation as people filtered in to the spacious lobby in the new law centre at Queen’s for the pre-talk drinks reception.

Robert Greenwood of Snøhetta did not disappoint. It was clear why this integrated design practice has won so many awards on the international stage. Robert talked about how the practice go about their work before taking the audience on journey through some of their most inspiring projects including the home of the Norwegian National Opera And Ballet, Tverrfjellhytta – the Norwegian Wild Reindeer Centre and Pavilion, and the King Abdulaziz Center for Knowledege and Culture in Saudi Arabia which is currently being built.

Speaking after the event Robert said, “Architects are understandably preoccupied with the final product; however, we believe that what you do is defined by how you do it. Process is consequential to our work and the realisation of a design vision is a process: it accumulates richness and beauty through time.”

“We believe that as designers we plant the seeds for this growth, grounding transformations of places with clear and precise concepts that create opportunities for the public to collaborate in shaping their future. The design process is a dialogue, and when people meet, things happen.”

Paul Crowe, RSUA President, commented: “The quality of the buildings and urban landscape has a long-lasting, direct impact on individuals and communities across every region and sector in Northern Ireland, providing the environments that contribute to health and wellbeing, as well as enhancing creativity and productivity. Robert’s talk really highlighted what we all need to strive for.”

Paul Johnston, Associate Director, Arup, said:  “Well-designed infrastructure and buildings will be increasingly key to the future resilience of cities and regions, including Northern Ireland. Arup’s work is founded on a commitment to good design and collaboration and we are pleased to support the RSUA’s Building Inspiration lecture as a expression of both these”.