RSUA invited to participate in DfI Planning Engagement Partnership
Alongside representatives from the Department for Infrastructure, Community Places, local authorities, NILGA, Turley, Sustrans and universities, RSUA has agreed to participate in a Partnership to improve community engagement in the planning and place-shaping processes. This focussed group will meet over the next six to nine months to explore and identify actions that will improve community engagement and compile a report to inform future policy.
Naturally, engagement and consultation processes have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in emergency legislation and guidance for Pre-Application Community Consultations and new Regulations to allow for remote planning committee meetings in local authorities. Whilst these measures have helped to allow decisions to be made and applications to be assessed, the impacts and challenges of these changes will be taken into consideration by the Partnership in its final report.
The group met on 21 October to discuss terms of reference, participants’ experience in community engagement, and opportunities and challenges ahead. RSUA will keep members informed of the workings of the Partnership and if members have issues they wish to raise, please contact RSUA Director CiarĂ¡n Fox (