RSUA Council Update: 08/11/21
The RSUA Council met at 4pm on 8 November 2021.
An update to council members was given on Architecture Night 2021, an event which showcased this year’s student awards, welcomed the RSUA’s new honorary member, Clare McCarty and launched the organisations next Early Career Architect Design Competition.
Details of the RSUA’s response to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) consultation on the regulation of architects was outlined and council members were encouraged to respond individually using the RSUA response.
RSUA President Donal MacRandal and President Elect Paul McAllister hosted an interesting debate on heat pumps and the RSUA’s position paper on NEC guidance for conservation projects was approved with some minor amendments.
A small working group of members has been formed to draft a response to the Department of Finance’s Consultation on Amendments to Technical Booklet Part F (Conservation of Fuel and Power). At the first meeting of the working group, it was agreed that RSUA should take a pragmatic approach in its response and suggest how the law should be implemented in a meaningful way. The proposed changes are to be introduced in March 2022.
The next meeting is on Monday 17 January 2022.