RSUA Benefits

The Royal Society of Ulster Architects strives to enhance Northern Ireland’s built environment for the benefit of all through the promotion of architecture. We are also focused on nurturing architectural talent and helping to create working conditions that allow architects to flourish in this region of Ireland and the UK. Your membership enables RSUA to:

Continuous learning 
  • Provide extensive learning opportunities for architects in Northern Ireland. Our programme is guided by our Continuous Professional Development Committee. Some CPD is free but where there is a fee, members receive a 10% discount and practices subscribed to the RSUA Practices Services Scheme receive a 25% discount.
  • Avail of a wide range of talks, building tours and the annual study trip.
Social connection 
  • Bring people together in unique venues to celebrate architecture at Architecture Night
  • Organise the Perfectly Proportioned Quiz of Architecture and Other Things 
  • Host the Senior Luncheon Club on a monthly basis
  • Connect architects in their initial years after qualification through the Early Career Architects Forum
  • Promote the role of females in the profession through RSUA Women in Architecture
Promotion of architecture
  • Run the Ask An Architect initiative which raises funds for charity and raises the profile of the role of the architect
  • Co-ordinate the RSUA Design Awards annually to showcase the best architecture in NI
  • Present the Annual Building Inspiration Lecture which attracts architects of international renown
Working conditions that allow architects to flourish
  • Give members the opportunity to meet with clients
  • Engage with Government on key issues raised by members, like public procurement and planning 
  • Develop policy papers on the future of the built environment