Queen’s University presents development opportunities


Damien Toner, Director of Estates from Queen’s University Belfast, attended a meeting to discuss the future development plans for the Queen’s University estate, the opportunities for architects to work for Queen’s University and how to improve delivery and begin a wider dialogue on other matters.

At the meeting QUB indicated they were keen to explore ways to efficiently achieve monthly payments to design teams working on the estate and also agreed to consider sharing post occupancy evaluation surveys to help drive improvement across the industry. RSUA members were asked to provide feedback on current QUB procurement processes and RSUA proposed the use of the RSUA Design Quality Panel early in the design process to help QUB maximise the benefit of commissioning architects.

RSUA members are advised to make contact with Damien directly if they are interested in working with QUB by emailing Damien.toner@qub.ac.uk