Professional Insights Programme 23/24 launches


On Friday 10 November 2023, 2nd year undergraduate students from Belfast’s two Schools of Architecture, Ulster University and Queen’s University Belfast, came together for the launch of this year’s Professional Insights Programme. During the launch the students heard from architect Jenny Harper as she reflected on her experience of the programme and the benefits it provides students.

The programme, which will run until May 2024, is designed to give students an initial understanding of the real-life work of an architect to help them better connect their current studies to their future professional life. Students from both schools are partnered together and then assigned a chartered architect who will provide a minimum of six hours contact time to the students.

The programme aims to provide an insight into:

  • On-site activity
  • Interaction between client/user and architect
  • Working with other professions
  • Planning and/or building regulations
  • Resourcing and business administration
  • Winning work and/or procurement
  • The process of material selection

During the launch the students were asked to select the insights they were most looking forward to learning about. The top three choices were; on-site activity; interaction between client/user and architect; the process of material selection.

Many thanks to the following architects for volunteering their time and sharing their knowledge with the next generation of architects:

RebeccaAitkenWhite Ink Architects
LisaAndersonEducation Authority NI
JonnyBairdConstruction Procurement Delivery
ShaneBirneyShane Birney Architects
MatthewBishopConstruction Procurement Delivery
SarahBradySamuel Stevenson & Sons
RoslynBrownOstick and Williams
ChrisCampbellCampbell Architects
AdrienneCampbellIsherwood + Ellis
ChrisCheaterMcAdam Design
RyanCuthbertsonHamilton Architects
SamDillStudio Rogers
CahalDonaghyMcGirr Architects
ShauneenDonaghyIsherwood + Ellis
KathrynDowseHLM Architects
AaronDuffyMcGurk Architects
EllenDunlopWhite Ink Architects
MichaelFitzpatrickUlster University
MyForellBoyd Partnership Chartered Architects
SeanFureyGravity Architects
JamesGrieveConsarc Design
GlendaHallEducation Authority NI
JennyHarperQueen’s University Belfast
MichaelHerronMichael Herron Architects
IvorHessionTÓG Architecture
SimonHollandEducation Authority NI
NigelJonesNigel Jones Architects
AlastairKeysKeys and Monaghan
TaraLambLAM Architects
CathalMaguireMilligan Reside Larkin Architects
PaulMcAlisterPaul McAlister Architects
BillMcAllisterHall Black Douglas
KieranMcCambridgeMcClean Forte Architects
NealMcCormickStudio Rogers
JessicaMcGarryMcGarry-Moon Archtiects Ltd
TiarnanMcIlhattonWhite Ink Architects
ConorMcKennaConor McKenna Architects
RoisinMcKennaNational Trust NI
RossMcMahonReddy Architecture
JamesMcMonagleGregory Architects
PaulMillarHamilton Architects
PeterMinnisTODD Architects
StephenMiskellyRMI Architects
GraemeMontgomeryMontgomery Irwin Architecture & Design
GraemeMooreConsarc Design
DamianMorrisP. O’Hagan & Associates Ltd
SamNicholsonDA Architects
TonyO’HareMcCreanor & Co Architects
FrankO’KaneStudio Rogers
KevinO’NeillHLM Architects
DermottO’NeillMcGurk Architects
RonanParkStudio Park Architects
BrianQuinnEducation Authority NI
MarkReidSamuel Stevenson & Sons
KevinReynoldsKevin Reynolds Architects
AlanRossNational Trust NI
StephenSalleyHBK Architects
GavinSloanRMI Architects
ElenaSpinuWhite Ink Architects
HanaStolcovaWhittaker and Watt Architects
StephenVilliersAlan Patterson Design