Opportunities to support local communities


The RSUA wants to highlight two opportunities for work in the local community sector. The deadline for both is 15 January 2024, more details are below.

Site Development Plan for Corrymeela Community Centre in Ballycastle

The Corrymeela community is inviting tender submissions to develop their 100-bed residential centre, to improve the building’s in-door and outdoor spaces and build a new multi-functional room on-site. The overall plan should aim to optimise the centre to best support the delivery of the mission work carried by the centre out in the short, medium and long term.

You can find out more here.  

Site Model for Take Back the City Coalition & PPR

In 2022 the Take Back the City Coalition ran an open design competition calling for ideas on how the vacant Mackies site in west Belfast could be transformed to benefit the community. In partnership with the coalition, Participation and the Practice of Rights (PPR) is seeking tender submissions from individuals or organisations to engage with Mathew Lloyd Architects to produce a site model of their design of the Mackies site. 

You can find out more here.