New Online Planning Portal for Mid Ulster District Council


Final preparations are being made ahead of the launch of the new Mid Ulster online planning portal, which is scheduled for early June.

Mid Ulster District Council have said that it’s new standalone planning portal will provide an “end to end digital service for anyone submitting or responding to a planning application, including the payment of fees in Mid Ulster, simplifying the process and gaining efficiencies in the level of the service’s responsiveness to customers and the ability to meet planning targets.”

The Council confirmed that while data is transferred from the existing NI Planning Portal (NIPP) to the new system, planning applications will continue to be received as normal. However, for a short period of time (close of play Thursday 12 May – week commencing 6 June) applications will not be processed nor will they be subject to the normal consultation and neighbour notification processes.

During this transition period, consultees will still have the ability to upload Mid Ulster consultation responses onto the existing NIPP and case officers will ensure that the responses received during this transition period are uploaded onto the new system once live.

However, once the new portal is live users will be required to upload all consultations responses via the new consultee access. Mid Ulster District Council will publish the official “go-live” date as soon as it is confirmed.

Visit the Mid Ulster District Council website for further details.