Libraries NI removes online access to British Standards
At the beginning of 2022, following detailed representations by the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA), members and the wider public were granted access to British Standards for free online via Libraries NI.
However in November 2023, Libraries NI removed online access to British Standards. This decision was taken in response to budgetary pressures which have also resulted in reduced opening hours for libraries and a moratorium on the purchase of new books this financial year.
Libraries NI has confirmed that British Standards will be available by Inter Library Loan through any of its branch libraries at no cost until 31 March 2024. RSUA has written to Libraries NI, Chief Executive, Dr Jim O’Hagan, seeking further details on this new arrangement and to explore various options for the reinstatement of online access to British Standards.
In the meantime, if you wish to view British Standards, please contact your local library to make arrangements for an Inter Library Loan.