Feeling overly stressed or anxious? New Support Service for Architectural Community

The Architects Benevolent Fund (ABS) has launched a new support service in partnership with Anxiety UK to provide practical support for people in the architectural community experiencing anxiety, stress and anxiety based drepression.

This service provides including;

  • ·         Helpline support
  • ·         Email support
  • ·         Wellbeing assessment (including one year’s membership to Anxiety UK)
  • ·         One to one therapy (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – CBT, counselling, clinical hypnotherapy, acupuncture) via a network of approved therapists.


All individuals who have worked in the architectural professions for one year in the UK are eligible for this service, as they are for all support that the ABS provides.

To avail of the service:

phone: 020 7580 2823

email: help@absnet.org.uk

To find out more visit http://absnet.org.uk/need-help/how-we-help/mental-health-support