
The Perfectly Proportioned Quiz of Architecture and Other Things 2023

We are delighted to invite you to our 6th annual Perfectly Proportioned Quiz of Architecture and Other Things.

Come test your knowledge (and skills!) on a great social night out on Thursday 20th April 2023 at the Black Box Belfast. Teams will compete through an action-packed series of rounds, with prizes and surprises to delight and excite. This gem in the architectural calendar is not to be missed!

If you want to catch up with old friends, or even enter a team from your practice, then tables are £20 with a maximum of eight participants. All proceeds go to the Simon Community.

However, if you want the fun of being thrown into a team where you’ll get to meet new people, just email and your name will be put in the ‘random teams tombola’.  We’ll reserve your table and you can pay an individual entry fee of £3 on the night.