
The Practicalities of Principal Designer

9am-5pm on Wednesday 28th February 2018

The new Construction Design & Management Regulations (NI) have now been in effect for a year. Many construction professionals have developed a sound understanding of the new regulations and have either gained experience as a Principal Designer or at least have been introduced to the role. To help members continue their development in this role and to enhance their ability to efficiently discharge their duties RSUA has developed this one day workshop. The workshop focuses on the practical delivery of the role and is appropriate for practices of all types and is aimed at those with an existing reasonable understanding of the regulations.

Due to the interactive nature of this workshop the candidate numbers will be restricted to 12.

Workshop Content

  • Appointment
  • Pre-construction phase
  • Construction phase
  • Completion of a project
  • Example scenario exercises

Throughout the workshop, participants will be provided with example correspondence and pro formas for future use.


Jim Armstrong is founder and Director of DIMENSIONS Design & Management Ltd. Jim has over twenty years’ experience, eighteen self-employed, as Chartered Architect and CDM Consultant – including Planning Supervisor / CDM Co-ordinator / CDM Principal Designer under past / current UK legislation and PSDP under Irish legislation. Jim has been one of RSUA’s key delivery partners in CDM training.

Key details

Course duration:         One day

When:                          9am to 5pm on Wednesday 28th February 2018

Where:                       Clifton House Heritage Centre,2 North Queen Street,Belfast

Directions:                   Link/Map

Cost:                            RSUA Practice Services Scheme Members £150 + VAT

RSUA Members £180 +VAT

Non-member £200 +VAT

If the course is not fully booked, the remaining places will be made available for free to RSUA members on low incomes.

Book your place online or contact Julia Leaker ( Cheques should be made out to RSUA and sent to 2 Mount Charles,Belfast,BT7 1NZ

If you have any queries about this course please contact Julia or Jeanette on 028 9032 3760.