The Architect’s Guide to Social Media
Location: Riddel Hall, 2-5pm
Date: 13 February 2020
As architects how can you tell your story and the explain the value of your services in advance of clients realising that they need you?
In this three hour session – discounted for 2020 ask an architect participants – we’ll look at some of the ways that social media can help you stand out and create effective, engaging and targeted messaging. How can you take advantage of the visual nature of architecture to bring your design-led profession to life as well as showcasing your skills and raising awareness of what makes your own practice distinctive.
We’ll discuss the merits and demerits of the different social media platforms – including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn – as well as looking at case-studies of good and not-so-good practice and explore how to embed architecture in the imagination of your potential clients.
· Setting the context
· Overview of social media platforms with reference to case-studies
· How can you decide where to focus your online effort?
· Tracking progress, measuring success and tuning your strategy
· How to stay out of trouble
The session will be as interactive as possible with lots of conversation around your organisation and experiences as well as some case studies and discussion about the opportunity that social media offers.
Handouts will be provided on the day and the full material will be emailed out to delegates afterwards.
Due to the interactive nature of this seminar places are limited to 15
Alan Meban is a prominent blogger writing about politics (Slugger O’Toole), technology (Sync NI) and culture (Alan in Belfast). He has provided tailored social media training to a wide range of clients. Appointed to Ofcom’s Advisory Committee for Northern Ireland, he also chairs FactCheckNI’s advisory panel.