RSUA Design Awards 2014
Location: Waterfront Hall, Belfast
Date: 15 May 2014
The RSUA Design Awards ceremony/dinner is due to take place on Thursday 15 May 2014 in the main auditorium of the Waterfront Hall.
The commendations and awards are to be announced and presented at the event. When inviting guests to the dinner perhaps you would remember that clients and contractors (and artists if applicable) as well as architects are formally acknowledged in each Commendation and Award.
There were over fifty submissions to the Awards and the independent judges commented on the very high standard of entries – there are to be 8 Commendations and 13 Awards – a record number.
Please note that bookings will only be accepted on receipt of payment and early booking is advisable.
RSUA Design Awards 2014
a night at the Waterfront:
Date: Thursday 15th May 2014
Time: 7pm
Dress Code: Black Tie
Ticket Cost: £60 per person (tables of ten or individual tickets available)
please make cheques payable to ‘Royal Society of Ulster Architects’
Please contact the RSUA office to book places – 028 9032 3760 or email: