QUB Masters in Sustainable Practices in the Built Environment available for study in 2015
Location: Queens University Belfast
Date: 17 May 2019
The QUB School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering has introduced a cross-disciplinary suite of Masters, which aims to develop professional knowledge and networks in the field of Sustainability.
The following Masters in Sustainable Practices are now open to application.
Materials, Components and Systems
This specialism allows participants to focus on the sustainable development, design and/or management of the materials, components and systems that make up the built environment, using a range of tools to predict and test sustainable performance.
Critical Spatial Processes
This specialism considers alternative spatial practices – be that through temporary interventions, partial-construction, prefabrication or renegotiations of pre-existing spaces. It will be framed by the latest thinking on ethical and sustainable practices and informed by green economics and business planning.
Contested Space
This specialism draws in the long-standing experience within the school on working on regeneration in contested and critical environments. Participants will be able to engage in the related theoretical, practical and ethical debates that surround divided communities, and appreciate the dilemmas and opportunities facing built environment professionals in such contexts.
The key aspect of this Masters Suite is that it brings together people from different backgrounds – engineering, architecture, planning and other related fields, to work at different scales of the built environment in shared learning environments. Whilst each specialism has its own subject specific teaching and learning, all masters participants will work in one dedicated studio space on overlapping projects, thus a better understanding between disciplines can emerge.
The courses are currently run as a full-time, 12 month course, however teaching is mainly timetabled to run across two afternoons and early evenings, specifically to accommodate people in practice or with child-care needs.
Overall the suite of masters:
– focuses on the latest thinking in sustainable practices and outcomes
– supports interdisciplinary and collaborative learning
– provides each participant with an opportunity to consider their own practice sustainably and economically,
completing the course with a personal and in-depth body of investigative work (the Masters Thesis)
For more information please visit the QUB website or contact Ruth Morrow at