
PAS 2035 – A new approach to retrofitting dwellings for improved energy efficiency

Proposed RIBA Curriculum Topic: Sustainable Architecture

The British Standards Institution, BSI, has recently published PAS 2035: 2019: Retrofitting Dwellings for Improved Energy Efficiency – Specification and Guidance. PAS describes a ‘publicly available specification’ and while it is not officially a standard, it is a document that is likely to have a major effect on the way UK homes are retrofitted.  It applies to homes of all ages and types and therefore includes traditional buildings.

PAS 2035 is an output of the Bonfield Review, an independent review of consumer advice, protection, standards and enforcement for UK home energy efficiency and renewable energy measures.  The report contained 27 recommendations, including: to establish a quality mark for domestic retrofit supported by an industry code of conduct; a consumer charter; and a framework of technical standards for retrofit. The quality mark has subsequently been established as the TrustMark government-endorsed quality scheme (  PAS 2035 is the over-arching document in the retrofit standards framework and it is expected that it will also be applied to retrofit projects outside the TrustMark quality assurance framework where public finance is involved. 

Course Content

This seminar will cover:

  • Introduction to ‘Each Home Counts’ and PAS 2035 – including its application and relevance
  • PAS 2035 retrofit process and commentary on roles, responsibilities and competencies
  • Commentary and critique of PAS 2035 in achieving objectives
  • Opportunities for architects

Speaker info

Professor John Edwards (MA, DipBldgCons, CEnv, FCIOB, FRICS, IHBC) is a Director of Edwards Hart Consultants.  Professor Edwards is a Chartered Environmentalist and has been a practitioner in the sustainability and energy efficiency of buildings since 1981 involving buildings of all kinds and with roots in building pathology.  John has experience of large-scale insulation projects and dwellings as well managing a mechanical and electrical design team with a focus on energy efficiency of historic and other public / commercial buildings in a value conscious environment.

John has a track record in developing projects to traditional and historic buildings with a holistic approach to energy efficiency and sustainability and formerly worked at English Heritage / Historic and later at Cadw as Assistant Director. Since 2014 he has been a Director of Wales based Edwards Hart Consultants undertaking research, refurbishment /conservation projects and developing and delivering training in the UK, Europe and beyond. John has contributed to numerous standards and guidance including authorship of IHBC guidance on retrofit and is currently Professor on Practice at the University of Wales Trinity St David.