
JCT Contract: Payment and staying out of trouble

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JCT produce contracts used by architects across Northern Ireland and further afield and misunderstanding them can be costly.  The role of Contract Administrator is crucial in facilitating cash flow through the payment mechanisms within these standard construction contracts.  Reliable cash flow is crucial to the successful delivery of projects and, indeed, to the health of the wider industry.  RSUA has organised this seminar to make sure you understand the contractual obligations and what your options are when things break down.

Course content

This three-hour seminar is divided into two sections:

Section one is delivered by Jim Armstrong and considers how to assist cash-flow in your role as Contract Administrator under the terms of a JCT Contract and includes:

  • Interim payments – dates and certificates
  • Contractor’s applications and payment notices
  • Payments – amounts and notices
  • Failure to pay amount due
  • Contractor’s right of suspension
  • Final certificate and final payment

Section two is delivered by Tim Kinney and considers further what happens when contracts and payment mechanisms go wrong and includes:

  • The right to adjudicate
  • The Construction Act
  • The Scheme for construction contracts
  • Adjudication provisions
  • Payment processes under the Act & Scheme
  • Case law examples of the pitfalls and perils

Speaker info

Jim Armstrong is founder and Director of DIMENSIONS Design & Management Ltd. Jim has over twenty years’ experience, eighteen self-employed, as Chartered Architect and CDM Consultant – including Planning Supervisor / CDM Co-ordinator / CDM Principal Designer under past / current UK legislation and PSDP under Irish legislation. Jim has been one of RSUA’s key delivery partners in training.

Tim Kinney originally trained as an architect before converting to law. He has wide ranging experience in both construction and project procurement and advises on all forms of construction and engineering contracts, sub-contracts and consultancy agreements as well as advising on project agreements and related sub-contracts and procurement issues on PFI/PPP projects.