
Construction Professionals Health and Safety Card Course

If you need to get a Construction Professionals Health and Safety (CPHS) card or a Construction Skills Register card for the first time or if your card is up for renewal you are invited to attend the upcoming CPHS Card Health and Safety Training Course.

The CPHS card, or equivalent, is required to work on any public sector construction site in Northern Ireland and must be renewed every 4 years. It is worthwhile checking the date of your current CPHS or CSR card to ensure it is still valid.

The Buildsafe NI initiative states that everyone “visiting a site shall have received appropriate health and safety training to be able to work on-site without being a risk to themselves or others who might be affected by their acts or omissions and carry with them on site, evidence of having received such training.”

The CPHS card is regarded as appropriate evidence.

The primary local alternative card provider is the Construction Skills Register (CSR). CSR stopped issuing Architect CSR cards in September 2017 and now offer different routes to acquiring a CSR card.

The new half day CPHS Course is focused on providing construction professionals with “appropriate health and safety training to be able to work on-site without being a risk to themselves or others who might be affected by their acts or omissions”, The course will cover some fundamentals and will also highlight any relevant changes in H&S practice in recent years.

Here are the essential details:

Course duration:       Half day

When:                         13:00 to 17:00 on Thursday 17th May 2018

Where:                        Lecture Room 1, Riddel Hall,Stranmillis Road,Belfast

How much:                Member of RSUA or other professional body: £80+VAT
RSUA Practice Service Scheme member: £60+VAT

The course fee includes the CPHS card registration fee.

How to book:             Book your place online or contact Julia Leaker ( Cheques should be made out to RSUA and sent to 2 Mount Charles, Belfast, BT7 1NZ.

If you have any queries about this course please contact Julia or Jeanette on 028 9032 3760.