Climate Crisis: How can architects build sustainably?
Location: Belfast TBC
Date: 05 December 2019
Perhaps this generations greatest challenge is how to address the looming climate crisis. The construction, maintenance and operation of our built environment is a major and substantial contributor to CO2 emissions. This expert-led seminar has been organised to equip architects with the knowledge needed to respond to this challenge.
Course Content
- Initiatives for future construction (by Lynne Sullivan)
- Low energy buildings and low impact materials (by Rachel Bevan)
- Current NI policies and future challenges (by Meabh Cormacain – invited)
- Q & A with presenters
Speaker info
Lynne Sullivan OBE is a visiting professor at Robert Gordon University – The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and Built Environment and the chair of the Good Homes Alliance. She is also an RIBA Ambassador on Climate Change.
Rachel Bevan is an EcoHomes assessor and is experienced in specification of ecological building materials, winning awards from RIAI and RSUA. She co-authored “Hemp Lime Construction” (BRE Press). Rachel has been a member of NI Building Regulations Advisory Committee & Historic Buildings Council and is a former Council convenor of the RSUA Sustainability Committee.
Meabh Cormacain is an Energy Advisor with the Strategic Investment Board of Northern Ireland. Meabh is a former manager of the Northern Ireland Renewables Industry Group (NIRIG) where she formulated and delivered policy for renewables industry in Northern Ireland.