
Armagh: Building tour and General Meeting

You are invited to the third building tour and General Meeting of 2018 at the North South Ministerial Council Offices in Armagh on Friday, 13th April 2018. The meeting begins at 1pm over a sandwich lunch and will be followed by the tour at 2.30pm.

General Meetings are an opportunity for the full membership of RSUA to find out more about the organisation’s activities, to ask questions, raise issues, propose initiatives and to meet other members.


The standard agenda for the meeting will be:

– Report on 2017 and plans for 2018
– Local Groups
– Members questions, issues, proposals


If you would like to attend the General Meeting and/or the building tour of the North South Ministerial Council offices please confirm with Gillian Lendrum by email or phone 028 9032 3760.