
Residential Building Safety – Industry Stakeholder Info Session

The Department for Communities has launched significant new work to address fire safety in high rise and other residential buildings across Northern Ireland. 

The Department has taken responsibility for the implementation of the Department of Finance Expert Panel report ‘Improving Safety in High Rise Residential Buildings in Northern Ireland’ which was developed in response to the Grenfell tragedy.

The new Residential Building Safety Team will be responsible for developing a new legislative framework for residential building safety.  The Team is hosting an information session for industry stakeholders to introduce their work and explain how they intend to address the Expert Panel’s report recommendations.

The session will take place at 11am on 5th March in Isdell Courtyard, Riddel Hall, 185 Stranmillis Road, Belfast, BT9 5EE. 

To register your place email or by telephone on 028 9082 3209.