
Minuting yourself out of trouble!

Architects don’t always exercise sound dispute avoidance techniques in their daily practice.

The key is records, records, and records.

In addition to the important duties of contract administration, records involve the minuting of meetings properly. Proper documenting of the key issues, most especially before, during and after the construction period can be critical to staying out of trouble. The practicing architect should be very familiar with the content for inclusion at meetings and the underlying reasons why.

This seminar outlines good practice and goes through the do’s, and don’ts.

Through attending this seminar attendees are expected to gain a sound understanding of how and what to include in keeping sound records to help keep the architect out of disputes and possible litigation.

What will be covered:

-The Pre-contract Meeting

-The Site Progress Meeting

-The Site Visit Meeting

-What to include, what to exclude

-Why include and exclude

– How to record properly

Speaker Bio

Jim Armstrong is an Associate Director, forensic architect, and expert witness, in the Construction Advisory Division of JS Held, a global consultancy firm that combines technical, scientific, financial, and strategic expertise to advise clients seeking to realise value and mitigate risk.

Before this Jim was principal of a small chartered architectural practice specialising mainly in residential projects and the role of Principal Designer under the CDM Regulations.

Jim is a panel member of the UK Adjudicators and CIC Adjudicators Small Value Disputes and has just completed a term as an Inquirer to the ARB for complaints made against architects.