European Heritage Open Day – RSUA gets involved


RSUA is taking part in this year’s European Heritage Open Day events by offering an architect-led tour of Queen’s conservation area and ‘Ask a Conservation Architect’ one-to-one sessions.

On Saturday 11 September, RSUA member Andrew Molloy will lead a guided tour of Queen’s Conservation Area. The tour will start at 11am from 2 Mount Charles, Belfast, BT7 1NZ and will last for around one hour. There is no charge to attend, but pre-booking is essential.

On Wednesday 8 September members of the public will have the opportunity to ‘Ask a Conservation Architect Online’. Participants can seek advice on conservation matters from either Nicola Golden, Roger Perrott or Marcus Patton. Appointments are free of charge and will take place online via MS Teams.

To book either of the events or for more information please email Jude Faloon.  

For more information about the European Heritage Open Day events, visit the Discover Northern Ireland website.