39 practices registered for ask an architect 2020


Right across Northern Ireland architecture practices are signing up for the 2020 ask an architect initiative and with more practices registered than 2019 we’re aiming for another year of growth.

The concept is simple. A chartered architect offers an hour-long consultation to a member of the public in return for a donation of £40 to charity. In 2020 we are aiming to grow on the £12,000 we raised last year to support clinical trials and cancer research in Northern Ireland whilst helping to increase awareness of the valuable role of architects to society.

If your practice has not participated in ask an architect yet please consider making 2020 the year to start. It’s not too late to join…

Practices confirmed for 2020

2020 architectsGravity ArchitectsMichael Herron Architects 
Alan Cook Architects LtdHBK ArchitectsMichael Whitley Architects
Architects Knox & MarkwellJim MorrisonNeil Mathews
Barrie Todd Keys and MonaghanPaul McAlister Architects Ltd
Barry MaguireKnox & Clayton ArchitectsRitchie Architects 
BGA ArchitectsMcCann MooreShane Birney Architects
Conor & Co ArchitectMcCartan Muldoon ArchitectsStudio Idir
David Wilson Charterd ArchitectMcGarry MoonStudiorogers
Des Ewing ArchitectsMcGonigle McGrathThornton Architecture Studio
d-on Architects McNally MorrisTóG Architecture
Farren ArchitectsMDL ArchitectsWaddington McClure
Glenn Massey Architect LtdMicah T Jones ArchitectWilliams Creative Design

In for 2020?

If your practice did not participate in ask an architect in 2019 and you would like to register for 2020 please register online here

If your practice did participate in ask an architect in 2019 and you want to do so again just contact Julia Leaker on julia@rsua.org.uk or 028 9032 3760.  If you wish to update your key contact, or how your practice is described or provide more recent photographs, just let us know. 


The Belfast City Marathon is on Sunday 3rd May 2020.  Speed is optional but ideally you would finish in good enough time to recuperate by Monday. This is open to all RSUA members regardless of participation in the Ask an Architect initiative.  If you think you could run a leg of between 4 and 6.9 miles then sign up and become an honorary member of the Running Society of Underfit Architects today.  Sign up here today.


ask an architect 2020 is supported by NIE Networks